There must be a good handful of people out there who have websites concerned with promoting various aspects of credit cards. And how many of them, I wonder, have launched a pay per click advertising campaign and tried to focus on the term ‘credit card’?
If they have, they will no doubt have noticed that this is a very expensive term to bid on. Not only that, it puts them shoulder to shoulder with most of the big name companies out there who have the budgets to pay the money for those terms.
So does that mean you will be blown out of the water if you have a popular product that you cannot afford to bid on when it comes to keywords?
Not necessarily. The key is to think longer. Your pay per click ad can still find the right people who need whatever it is you are trying to sell. You just have to try and reach them further down the line, so to speak.
What do I mean by this? Well, instead of using a basic term you would use one that is more detailed. Let’s suppose you have a website which sells fishing supplies. You might find that bidding on the word ‘fishing’ is too expensive for your budget to stand. What’s more, that term might also catch a lot of people that aren’t going to be interested in what you have to sell them.
If you want to sell fishing gear you need to connect with those people who want to buy fishing gear. What are they going to be looking for? They will be clicking on the pay per click ads that specifically mention fishing rods, fishing tackle, fishing bait, and so on. The word ‘fishing’ alone could relate to anything.
These longer terms are called long tail keywords, and they can save you a fortune in pay per click advertising. They will also invariably lead you to customers who are ready to buy something, as opposed to people who are just after information.
It does take a little longer to research these longer terms, and to figure out which ones are likely to get you the best return on your investment. But the time spent doing this is always worth it. It does take a little longer to research these longer terms, and to figure out which ones are likely to get you the best return on your investment. But the time spent doing this is always worth it. You will get more clicks for your budget, and you stand a real chance of converting more of those clicks into worthwhile sales as well.
If they have, they will no doubt have noticed that this is a very expensive term to bid on. Not only that, it puts them shoulder to shoulder with most of the big name companies out there who have the budgets to pay the money for those terms.
So does that mean you will be blown out of the water if you have a popular product that you cannot afford to bid on when it comes to keywords?
Not necessarily. The key is to think longer. Your pay per click ad can still find the right people who need whatever it is you are trying to sell. You just have to try and reach them further down the line, so to speak.
What do I mean by this? Well, instead of using a basic term you would use one that is more detailed. Let’s suppose you have a website which sells fishing supplies. You might find that bidding on the word ‘fishing’ is too expensive for your budget to stand. What’s more, that term might also catch a lot of people that aren’t going to be interested in what you have to sell them.
If you want to sell fishing gear you need to connect with those people who want to buy fishing gear. What are they going to be looking for? They will be clicking on the pay per click ads that specifically mention fishing rods, fishing tackle, fishing bait, and so on. The word ‘fishing’ alone could relate to anything.
These longer terms are called long tail keywords, and they can save you a fortune in pay per click advertising. They will also invariably lead you to customers who are ready to buy something, as opposed to people who are just after information.
It does take a little longer to research these longer terms, and to figure out which ones are likely to get you the best return on your investment. But the time spent doing this is always worth it. It does take a little longer to research these longer terms, and to figure out which ones are likely to get you the best return on your investment. But the time spent doing this is always worth it. You will get more clicks for your budget, and you stand a real chance of converting more of those clicks into worthwhile sales as well.
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